Python History Interview MCQ Questions and Answers

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Go through Python Theory Notes on History before reading these objective questions.

1) Python first version was released in the year ____.
A) 1981
B) 1991
C) 1995
D) 2000
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2) Who developed Python language?
A) Dennis Ritchie
B) James Gosling
C) Guido Van Rossum
D) Graham Bell
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3) Which are the popular sponsors of Python Software Foundation (PSF)?
A) Google, Bloomberg, Meta
C) Microsoft, Salesfore, CapitalOne, Corning
D) All the above
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4) The Python logo contains ___ number of snakes?
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 6
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5) Guido Van Rossum started developing Python language after getting inspiration from ____ language.
A) C
B) C++
C) Java
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6) The name PYTHON was adopted from which TV show?
A) F.R.I.E.N.D.S
B) Craig Robinson's Killing It
C) Monty Python's Flying Circus
D) Snake City
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7) Python is a ___ level programming language.
A) Low level
B) Medium Level
C) High Level
D) None
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8) Python is ____ typed language.
A) Dynamically
B) Statically
C) -
D) -
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9) Python is a ____ language.
A) Object Oriented
B) Portable
C) Secure
D) All the above
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10) The most popular version of Python used is ____.
A) 1.5
B) 2.0
C) 2.7
D) 3.1
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11) Python 3.0 was released in the year ____.
A) 2008
B) 2015
C) 2018
D) 2020
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12) Choose the correct statement about Python Flavors below?
A) Python flavor is like implementation technology
B) Python flavor is like variation to existing compiler type
C) Python flavor is like supporting the python code using another programming language
D) All the above
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13) PyCon is ___.
A) Python Conference held at different places of the world to promote Python language
B) Another flavor of Python
C) Python for database connections
D) None of the above
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14) Which is the correct sentence about Python Programming language below?
A) Python code can be embedded inside another programming language.
B) Code from another programming language can embedded inside Python code.
C) We can choose a specific compiler (available in the market) that supports another programming language along with Python.
D) All the above
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15) Which is the default compiler for Python Language?
A) CPython
B) PyPy
C) IronPython
D) Jython
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16) CPython compiler is written in ___ programming language.
A) C
B) C++
C) Java
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17) You can compiler programs written in ___ language using CPython.
A) C
B) C++
C) Python
D) All the above
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18) Choose the correct statement below about variations or flavors of Python?
A) PyPy - Python Compiler that compiles all lines of python code into byte code in a single shot
B) IronPython - Compiler that supports writing python programs using .NET (DotNet) runtime
C) Jython - Compiler that supports Python programs on Java Virtual Machine
D) All the above
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19) Which are the different flavors of Python below?
A) MicroPython - Python for Microcontrollers
B) Stackless Python - A CPython variation to support Micro Theads
C) winpython - Scientific python for windows machines
D) All the above
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20) Which are the other flavors of Python?
A) Anaconda Python - Python distribution for data management, analysis and visualizations
B) Enthought Canopy - Commercial python distribution for scientific data processing
C) ActiveState ActivePython - Python for scientific data processing in commercial and community editions
D) All the above
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21) What is Cython?
A) Another Compiler like CPython
B) Same as CPython
C) A language that is superset of C and Python
D) None of the above
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22) What are the applications of Python language?
A) Web Development frameworks like Django and Pyramid
B) SciPy (Packages containing Maths, Science and Engineering), Pandas (used for Data Analysis), IPython (A Shell console for editing works with the support of Virtualization and Parallel Computing)
C) wxWidgets ( used for GUI apps on Desktop ), Kivy (For writing touch applications)
D) All the above
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23) What are the applications of Python?
A) Micro frameworks such as Flask, Bottle
B) Packages for handling data like HTML and XML, JSON, Emails, FTP, IMAP
C) HTTP Request processing, HTML Parser, RSS/ATOM feed processor, Networking support
D) All the above
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24) Python language is used in the fields ____
A) Gaming, GUI development
B) Scientific and Numeric applications
C) Web development, Designing tools for Project Management
D) All the above
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25) Identify other python compilers below?
A) Pyrex
B) Pyjs
C) Nuitka, Grumpy
D) All the above
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