Last Minute Preparation Guide for Grama Ward Sachivalayam Exams AP

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Grama Ward Sachivalayam Exam Material

Andhra Pradesh State Government is going to conduct Exams for various posts in the name of Grama Sachivalayam and Ward Sachivalayam Employee. Students and Job aspirants have not got enough time for preparation. So we are providing Last Minute Preparation Guide or material to crack Grama Sachivalayam and Ward Sachivalayam Exams. You can take printout or download PDF of questions and answers after taking the test/quiz/exam using the Chrome Browser and Print as PDF option.

Preparation Guide for Grama Ward Sachivalayam Exams

We are mainly providing the material on the following subjects which are very important.

  1. General English
  2. General Knowledge

This Study Material is applicable for Students applying for exams or posts under Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 like Panchayat Secretary Grade V, Village Revenue Officer, Panchayat Secretary Digital Assistant, Animal Husbandry Assistant, Fisheries Assistant, Aquaculture Assistant, Horticulture Assistant, Agriculture Assistant, Sericulture Assistant, Mahila Police, Women and Children Welfare Assistant, Ward Woman and Weaker Sections Protection Secretary, Engineering Assistant, Village Surveyor and Education Assistant.

1. General English

General English knowledge is very important to save time and score easily. Topics include Sentence Correction, Spotting Errors, Fill in the blanks, Correcting Punctuation, Correcting Degree, Comparison, Checking Apostrophe and Correcting Verb or Tense or Voice, Adjective, Pronoun, Adverb, Noun etc.

General English is common for both Telugu medium and English medium students.


2. General Knowledge

Remembering General Knowledge Questions is not an easy task for any Student or Job aspirant. So, we are providing only important GK Questions on Selective Topics. Do not miss these questions.


Studying these Questions and Answers from this Last Minute Preparation Guide will definitely increase chances of scoring more Marks in the Grama Sachivalayam and Ward Sachivalam Exams.

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