
Study C MCQ Questions and Answers on Structures and Pointers. C Structures are widely used in the code of hardware drivers and operating systems. Easily attend technical job interviews after reading these Multiple Choice Questions.
Go through C Theory Notes on Structures and Pointers before studying these questions.
1) What is the output of c program with structures.?
int main() { struct car {int color;}; struct garage { struct car mycar[10]; }gar; struct car c1={5}; gar.mycar[0]=c1; printf("%d",gar.mycar[0]); return 0; }
B) 0
C) 5
D) Compiler error
It is an example of nested structures.
2) What is the size of the below C structure in TurboC?
int main() { struct books{ int pages; char str[4]; }b; printf("%d",sizeof(b)); return 0; }
A) 5
B) 6
C) 7
D) 8
2+4= 6 bytes.
3) What is the output of C program with Structure pointer in TurboC.?
int main() { struct books{ int pages; char str[4]; }*ptr; printf("%d",sizeof(ptr)); return 0; }
A) 2
B) 6
C) 7
D) 8
Memory reserved will be the size of sum of individual elements.
4) In a nested structure definition, with country.state.district statement, memeber state is actually present in the structure.? (COUNTY, STATE, DISTRICT structures)
A) district
B) state
C) country
D) None of the above
5) What is actually passed if you pass a structure variable to a function.?
A) Copy of structure variable
B) Reference of structure variable
C) Starting address of structure variable
D) Ending address of structure variable
Yes. If you pass a structure variable by value without & operator, only a copy of the variable is passed. So changes made within that function do not reflect in the original variable.
6) What is the output of C program with structures.?
void show(int,int); int main() { struct paint{ int type; int color; }p; p.type=1; p.color=5; show(p.type,p.color); return 0; } void show(int a,int b) { printf("%d %d",a,b); }
A) 1 1
B) 1 5
C) 5 1
D) Compiler error
7) What is the output of C program with structures.?
int main() { struct paint{ int type; int color; }p1, p2; p1.type=1; p1.color=5; if(sizeof(p1)==sizeof(p2)) { printf("SAME"); } else { printf("DIFFERENT"); } return 0; }
C) Compiler error
D) None of the above
Yes. Before and after initialization, size of a structure variable does not change.
8) Choose a correct statement about C structures.
A) A structure enables display of folder structure in OS.
B) A structure enables erasing contents in a folder in OS.
C) A structure enables to detect and respond to mouse clicks.
D) All the above
9) Choose a correct statement about structure and array.?
A) An array stores only elements of same type. Accessing elements is easy.
B) A structure is preferred when different type elements are to be combined as a single entity.
C) An array implementation has performance improvements to structure
D) All the above
10) What are the types of data allowed inside a structure.?
A) int, float, double, long double
B) char, enum, union
C) pointers and Same structure type members
D) All the above
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