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Java Basics: Arrays and Multidimensional Arrays Online Test 1


Total Questions: 40

Total Minutes: 40

This ExamTray Free Online Test or Quiz or Trivia tests your Programming Skills on Java Arrays and Multidimensional Arrays. This test displays answers after finishing the exam for review. You can easily clear Competitive Exams and Job Interview Questions. Students can learn Java basics.

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1) An Array in Java is a collection of elements of ___ data type.
2) The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) implements arrays as ___ type.
3) Unlike C-Arrays, the Java-Arrays have ___.
4) An array declaration in Java without initialization ___ memory.
5) In Java language, an array index starts with ___.
6) Which are the special symbols used to declare an array in Java?
7) Which are the special symbols used to initialize an array at the time of the declaration itself?
8) It is possible to skip initializing some elements of the array during Shorthand Initialization. (TRUE / FALSE)
9) In Java, an array can be declared without initialization without mentioning the size. (TRUE / FALSE)
10) What is the output of the below Java code snippet with arrays?
static int[] nums; 
public static void main(String args[])
11) What is the output of the below Java program?
int[] marks = {35,65,95}; 
System.out.print(marks.length + "," + marks[1]);
12) What is the output of the below Java code snippet?
int[] balls = {};
13) Which is the correct way of knowing Array Size in Java?
14) What is the output of the below Java program with arrays?
String[] colors = {"RED";"YELLOW";"WHITE"};
15) What is the output of the below Java program with arrays?
public class Polo {
  public static void main(String args[])
    String[] computer = {"RAM","HDD","MOUSE"};
    String[] parts = {computer[0],computer[2]};
16) What is the output of the below Java program?
int ages[3] = {25, 27, 30};
17) We should not specify the array size if declaration and initialization are done at the same time. (TRUE / FALSE)
18) If an index of an element is N, what is its actual position in the array?
19) An array in Java can be declared only of some predefined types. (TRUE/FALSE)
20) The name of an array variable or identifier can start with ___.
21) Shorthand array initialization in Java needs the keyword "new" to allocate memory to the array and elements. State TRUE or FALSE.
22) Lazy initialization of array requires the keyword "new" to allocate memory to the array and its elements. State TRUE or FALSE.
23) What is the default value of an element of Object type array?
24) What is the default value of byte, short, int or long data type elements of an array in Java?
25) What is the default value of float or double data type elements of an array in Java?
26) What is the default value of a char data type elements of an array in Java?
27) What is the default value of boolean data type elements of an array in Java?
28) Allocating memory with the keyword "new" causes the array elements to carry default values. State TRUE or FALSE.
29) What is the output of the below Java program?
int balls[], rounds=3;
balls = new int[rounds];
for(int i=0; i<balls.length; i++)
    balls[i] = (i+1)*2;
for(int j=0; j<balls.length; j++)
    System.out.print(balls[j] + ",");
30) What is the output of the below Java program with arrays?
String[] ary = {"KITE", "AIR"};
String str = "PLANE";
ary[1] = str;
str = "FLY";
31) An array of arrays in Java is called ___ array.
32) A multidimensional array contains elements of the same data-type in all rows and columns. State TRUE or FALSE.
33) An array of dimension N contains __ number of subscripts or brackets?
34) An array with two dimensions is called a two-dimensional array in Java. State TRUE or FALSE.
35) Row number and Column number in a Multidimensional array start with ___.
36) A 4-dimensional array is an array of ___ dimensional arrays.
37) Choose the correct way of initializing a multidimensional array below.
38) What is the output of the Java program with the multidimensional array?
int[][] goats;
goats = new int[3][];
goats[0] = {1,2};
39) State TRUE or FALSE. In a multidimensional array, the number of Columns in each Row can be different.
2 3
4 5 6
40) While mentioning the array size in a multidimensional array using the new keyword, the left-most script is mandatory. State TRUE or FALSE.
int ary[][];
ary = new int[5][];//first dimension is compulsory.
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