TOTAL QS = 10Time [ 00 : 00 : 00 ]

C Programming Basics Tutorial - Arithmetic Operators Online Test 2


Total Questions: 10

Total Minutes: 10

This ExamTray Free Online Exam tests your C Programming Skills on C Arithmetic Operators, Precedence, Hierarchy, Associativity and displays Questions and Answers after finishing the exam. You can easily clear Competitive Exams and Job Interview Questions after attending this exam.

Go through C Theory Notes on Arithmetic Operators before attempting this test.

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1) What is the Priority among (*, /, %), (+, -) and (=) C Operators.?
2) What is the output of the C statement.?
int main()
    int a=0;
    a = 4 + 4/2*5 + 20;
    printf("%d", a);

    return 0;
3) What is the output of the C Program.?
int main()
    int a=0;
    a = 10 + 5 * 2 * 8 / 2 + 4;
    printf("%d", a);

    return 0;
4) What is the output of the C Program.?
int main()
    int a=0;
    a = 4 + 5/2*10 + 5;
    printf("%d", a);

    return 0;
5) What is the output of the C Program.?
int main()
    int a=0;
    a = 10 + 2 * 12 /(3*2) + 5;
    printf("%d", a);

    return 0;

6) What is the output of the C Program.?
int main()
    int a=0;
    a = 10 + 2 * 12 / 3 * 2 + 5;
    printf("%d", a);

    return 0;
7) What is the output of the C Program.?
int main()
    float a=10.0;
    a = a % 3;
    printf("%f", a);

    return 0;
8) What is the output of the C Program.?
int main()
    float a=10.0;
    a = (int)a % 3;
    printf("%f", a);

    return 0;
9) What is the output of the C Program.?
int main()
    int a=0;
    a = 14%-5 - 2;
    printf("%d", a);

    return 0;
10) What is the output of the C Program.?
int main()
    int a= 3 + 5/2;
    printf("%d", a);

    return 0;
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