InstructionsTotal Questions: 20Total Minutes: 20This ExamTray Free Online Exam tests your C Programming Skills on C Functions, Recursion, Pointers, Pass by Value, Pass by Reference Syntax. Examples are given as questions and answers. Easily Attend Competitive Exams and Job Interview Questions. Go through C Theory Notes on Functions before attempting this test. All the Best Challenge SCORE0 / 20Take This Exam 1*2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9*10*11*12*13*14*15*16*17*18*19*20*Q Buttons 1) Choose correct statement about Functions in C Language. A) A Function is a group of c statements which can be reused any number of times. B) Every Function has a return type. C) Every Function may no may not return a value. D) All the above. 2) Choose a correct statement about C Language Functions. A) A function name can not be same as a predefined C Keyword. B) A function name can start with an Underscore( _ ) or A to Z or a to z. C) Default return type of any function is an Integer. D) All the above. 3) Choose a correct statement about C Function.? main() { printf("Hello"); } A) "main" is the name of default must and should Function. B) main() is same as int main() C) By default, return 0 is added as the last statement of a function without specific return type. D) All the above 4) A function which calls itself is called a ___ function. A) Self Function B) Auto Function C) Recursive Function D) Static Function 5) What is the output of C Program with Functions.? int main() { void show() { printf("HIDE"); } show(); return 0; } A) No output B) HIDE C) Compiler error D) None of the above 6) What is the output of C Program with functions.? void show(); int main() { show(); printf("ARGENTINA "); return 0; } void show() { printf("AFRICA "); } A) ARGENTINA AFRICA B) AFRICA ARGENTINA C) ARGENTINA D) Compiler error 7) What is the output of C Program with functions.? int main() { show(); printf("BANK "); return 0; } void show() { printf("CURRENCY "); } A) CURRENCY BANK B) BANK CURRENCY C) BANK D) Compiler error Ad 8) How many values can a C Function return at a time.? A) Only One Value B) Maximum of two values C) Maximum of three values D) Maximum of 8 values 9) What is the output of a C program with functions.? void show(); void main() { show(); printf("RAINBOW "); return; } void show() { printf("COLOURS "); } A) RAINBOW COLOURS B) COLOURS RAINBOW C) COLOURS D) Compiler error 10) What is the output of C Program.? void show(); void main() { printf("PISTA "); show(); } void show() { printf("CACHEW "); return 10; } A) PISTA CACHEW B) CASHEW PISTA C) PISTA CASHEW with compiler warning D) Compiler error 11) What is the output of C Program with functions.? int show(); void main() { int a; printf("PISTA COUNT="); a=show(); printf("%d", a); } int show() { return 10; } A) PISTA COUNT= B) PISTA COUNT=0 C) PISTA COUNT=10 D) Compiler error 12) What is the output of C Program with functions.? void main() { int a; printf("TIGER COUNT="); a=show(); printf("%d", a); } int show() { return 15; return 35; } A) TIGER COUNT=15 B) TIGER COUNT=35 C) TIGER COUNT=0 D) Compiler error 13) What are types of Functions in C Language.? A) Library Functions B) User Defined Functions C) Both Library and User Defined D) None of the above 14) What is the output of C program with functions.? int show(); void main() { int a; a=show(); printf("%d", a); } int show() { return 15.5; return 35; } A) 15.5 B) 15 C) 0 D) Compiler error Ad 15) What is the output of C Program.? int myshow(int); void main() { myshow(5); myshow(10); } int myshow(int b) { printf("Received %d, ", b); } A) Received 5, Received 10, B) Received 10, Received 5, C) Received 0, Received 0, D) Compiler error 16) What is the output of C Program with functions and pointers.? int myshow(int); void main() { int a=10; myshow(a); myshow(&a); } int myshow(int b) { printf("Received %d, ", b); } A) Received 10, Received 10, B) Received 10, Received RANDOMNumber, C) Received 10, Received RANDOMNumber, with a compiler warning D) Compiler error 17) What is the output of C Program with functions and pointers.? int myshow(int *); void main() { int a=10; myshow(&a); } int myshow(int *k) { printf("Received %d, ", *k); } A) Received RANDOMNumber, B) Received 10, C) Received 10, D) Compiler error 18) What is the output of C Program with functions and pointers.? void myshow(int *); void main() { int a=10; printf("%d ", a); myshow(&a); printf("%d", a); } void myshow(int *k) { *k=20; } A) 10 10 B) 20 20 C) 10 20 D) Compiler error 19) What is the output of C Program with functions.? void myshow(int); void main() { int a=10; printf("%d ", a); myshow(a); printf("%d", a); } void myshow(int k) { k=20; } A) 10 10 B) 20 20 C) 10 20 D) Compiler error 20) Choose correct statements about C Language Pass By Value. A) Pass By Value copies the variable value in one more memory location. B) Pass By Value does not use Pointers. C) Pass By Value protects your source or original variables from changes in outside functions or called functions. D) All the above FINISH EXAM 1*2*3*4*5*6*7*8*9*10*11*12*13*14*15*16*17*18*19*20*PREVC Switch Case Syntax - Online Test 1 NEXTC Functions and Pointers - Online Test 2 Certification Group ID 3858